Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Last blog post??

Well, my study abroad experience is winding down, and this may be my last blog post....depending on the internet/free time I have during our "evaluations and re-entry orientation."  It's been a crazy week....sick on Friday and throwing up all night, recovering Saturday and Sunday and stressing about my ISP, being healed with Reiki by my academic director's wife on Monday, writing my ISP Monday and Tuesday, today sending it to my advisor adviser and Spanish prof to look over.  I also watched the Hannah Montana Movie today, while I was waiting for the corrections to come back.  (It was in Spanish, obvi.  But not the songs.)  And coming up....
Tomorrow-- last day in Cochabamba/with my host family (YIKES!)
in 2 days--head to Tikipaya for ISP evaluations, Spanish "exam" (I believe it's actually just a conversation in Spanish with one of the Spanish profs), "re-entry orientation"
in 5 days--I'll be in-transit to Santa Cruz via bus, to catch my flights home
in 6 days--I'll be in the USA

Unreal.  How did that go by so fast? 

I got an email from my advisor, aka the directora of the guarderĂ­a, who started off her email "hola princesa."  How adorable and nice is that?  Everyone here has been super nice and it's awesome.  I think it's a cultural thing....I feel like it's easier to be uber-loving in Spanish, whereas in English it just sounds forced or cheesy.  But that's a cultural thing too, no ve?  Think about the number of people you know who use "terms of endearment" for family and friends.  Not that many....but also our terms of endearment really aren't satisfactory--dear, honey, darling, buddy, hon, sweetie.  Whereas Spanish has mamita/papito, amor, amorcita/o, mamacita, princesa/princesita, mi vida, hijita/hijito.  Maybe this is why I need re-entry orientation.  I also have more munchkin moments I didn't update because I was sick....but I will now!

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