Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bolivian Kickboxing

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Today, the only thing exciting I did was wake up at 7am to go to an exercise class with my friend Ayoola (rhymes with Crayola).  First we met at school and walked around to try to find a yoga place my mamá told me about.  When we finally found it, it was closed, so we went to “Power Gym” instead.  The flyer we saw previously said it cost 80 bolivianos, which is pretty expensive (about US$12).  But once we got there, it only cost 6 bolivianos (under US$1).  We had a few minutes to kill, so we lifted weights and did abs/pilates.  Then our class started!!  (At 10:15, because Bolivian time is always more relaxed.)
First, we did some step exercises, which was more of a mental workout than a physical one.  It was hard to get all the steps right and I felt like I totally stuck out as the only gringa.  (Stereotype threat—I was worried I’d confirm the stereotype that white people can’t dance).  But then we switched to kickboxing, which was totally a physical workout so I didn’t have time to think about how I looked.  And it was super fun!  I could totally take someone down!  (if it was to music)  The language barrier was pretty nonexistent, since the music was too loud to hear anyways.  The instructor just did the moves and we copied her.  The whole time I kept thinking “HOLY MOLY I’M KICKBOXING IN BOLIVIA.”  I’ve never been to a kickboxing or a step class in the US, so I can’t compare, but this was totally fun!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren I've been doing kickboxing this semester!!! Lots of fun yeah? And afterwards you walk out and you're like 'bring it'.
