Monday, April 16, 2012

Being vegetarian in Bolivia, or why I miss being vegan

So everyone probably knows that I'm a vegan in real life in the USA.  But when I came to Bolivia I decided I had to compromise on that, because heck if people in the US don't know what to feed me, how will people in Bolivia??  (where even vegetarians are fairly uncommon).  So I am now a vegetarian--I eat eggs, cheese, and milk but no red meat, white meat, any other color meat, or fish.  And I'm fine with that....the weird thing is that I still consider myself a vegan, it's like a part of my personality.....just like I'm a runner who's currently not running.  I'm a vegan who's currently....not.  I love empanadas (bread with cheese inside).  I love eating ice cream.  Being vegetarian is way more convenient.

So my main problem with being vegetarian?  Self.  Control.  People always act like as a vegan I have a lot of self control.  Which I suppose I do, in a sense.  But that's also determination to prove wrong all the nay-sayers, and help the planet and save animals from cruelty/death.  Know what REALLY takes self control?  When there's delicious bread in my house here in Bolivia--FRESH bread, baked today, that will go stale unless someone eats I eat 4-5 rolls every day, even when I'm not hungry.  Or when I walk by the empanada store, and just HAVE to buy one, or two, or three.  (To be fair,  I give them to beggars I pass also.)  Or when I go by the little general store and there is CHOCOLATE, OOOOH I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! Yeah, none of that happens when I'm a vegan.  I can't just buy whatever food I see, cause it's probably not vegan.  Bread?  Maybe, but who knows?  Empanadas?  No way? Chocolate?  Probably not. When it's a moral issue (animals suffered for me to eat this!), no problemo.  When it's just ME telling myself I'm not really hungry, I don't NEED to eat right now.....No. Self. Control.

And here's the other thing.  When I'm at school, I shop.  Me.  Deciding what to buy.  And I like saving money, so no processed garbage, just fruit and veggies and oatmeal.  So when I get the munchies at 9pm, what's there to eat?  Fruit.  Veggies.  Oatmeal.  If I'm actually hungry, I'll eat something.  If I just have a craving, well TOUGH.  Here, my family shops.  They are awesome and I love them, but WHY DO THEY BUY THE BREAD THAT TASTES SO GOOD??  Potato chips, french fries, cookies.....(I had at least 7 or 8 cookies, in one sitting).  If it wasn't there, I couldn't eat it.   There's my nugget of wisdom through all my rambling:  If you don't want to snarf it all down in one sitting like a starving person eat it, don't buy it.

PS. My Bolivian mama made rice and veggies today and it was TO DIE for.  All Indian style, with some curry.  MMMMMMMM.  I love my mamita!


  1. Hahaha oh Lauren. I can picture you in our suite right now going, "I'll only have 1 chip when I finish this section of German homework." I really like the cross out sections of this blog. You have way more self control than you give yourself credit for. If it really is such a struggle then you should come back early!

  2. Bahaha want to hear the latest in my self control struggles? Bought two empanadas. Planned to eat one and give one away. Gave both to a homeless lady. Expected to feel internal reward to replace the sadness in my belly. Nope. SO SAD. I SOOOOO WANTED EMPANANAS. Returned to the same empanada place (no shame) to buy another, which I ate myself.
