Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tis the Season....

....to protest!  But really, after Easter is when people really start protesting stuff (Or maybe it was after Carnival?)  Yup, people are getting out in the streets--marches, strikes, blockades, hunger strikes.  The doctors have been protesting a while now, because they're now required to work 8 hour days instead of 6, but with the same pay.  Friday there were blockades of some sort.  Today the taxi drivers were marching against the new law that only allows any given taxi in the city center every other day.  (From what I understand, odd numbered license plates can enter certain days, and even numbered the other days.  Or something like that.)  And the taxi drivers of Cochabamba are NOT happy campers with this.


Aw bummer, I was hoping a picture would show up with that link.  La vida es triste.  P.S. That's my newest Spanish comedic genius.  (In English: Life is sad.)  I told my family that instead of doing my ISP on preschool kids, I'm just going to make an essay about all the reasons life is sad in Bolivia.  Ex: When my host brother took Peru from me while playing Risk, when the micro came by just as I came inside to tell my mom that it wasn't coming, when we eat all the pancakes and then there aren't any more, etc.  Sometimes I amend it to "la vida es cruel" (life is cruel).  I've been on a role with the sarcasm lately.  It also helps that my family knows I can speak better Spanish now, so they don't just assume I'm confusing my words.  I'm still loving my Bolivian family, and we're getting on better than ever.  I made them pancakes tonight, and they were a hit!  Yummers!

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