Thursday, April 12, 2012

Look! My blog is fancy!

Guess what?  I figured out how to add tags on my blog!  So if you want a conglomeration of all the things I've written about a certain topic, check out my side bar on the left!  I also added a search bar, so you all can look for things I've written, and more importantly so I can figure out what I've written....

Today was my first day at the prekinder class.  It also is Kid Day today (like Mother's Day/Father's Day, but with KIDS)!!  So the kids played games and all got goodie bags (I also got a goodie bag, for my "inner child."  WIN.)  One of the games involved 6 sausages tied on a long piece of string, and the kids had to eat the sausage without using their hands.  Kind of like reverse apple-bobbing?  There also were musical chairs and a spoon race.

So there were 8 kids in the prekinder class, 7 boys and a girl....they were all 3 and 4 years old, and were totally cute!  They had German class first, and then we played some games with the whole daycare, then snack, more games, and then quiet games until the parents came.  I helped out with supervising and playing with them, and corralling them to do things.  I have a eight cute new friends , as they all though I was interesting (a new person=extremely interesting).  One little boy immediately decided to sit on my lap....he's also not a native Spanish speaker, so we have a connection!  One of the boys told me my hair was pretty (it was in a braid), and then told me it looked like a cholita's (a possibly/probably derogatory term for indigenous women, who commonly wear their hair in long braids).  Racist?  Offensive? I don't really know.  I also got some kisses from the kids (on the check, because that's very normal) and one of the boys told me he loved me.  I stayed there from 7:45 till 12:30, and on the way home I bought a yummy empanada (I had to break a bill to get change for my bus home, but I'm SO going back!  I walked in that place and never wanted to leave--smelled so yummers!)

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